Thursday, February 3, 2011

Merlin Buddy Weiner

Merlin Buddy Weiner was the best dog that ever walked the earth. Even if you aren’t a dog lover, you could never deny Merlin. When we got him, I was five years old. My mom and I went to the pound one day to “browse” and ended up coming home with a beautiful black lab. His arrival completely spontaneous, my dad, not a dog lover who was returning from a business trip, was shocked to see the lab rolling around in our yard as he pulled in the driveway.  However, he grew to love him just as everyone else did. Shortly after adopting him, he became my best friend. He would lay on the landing of our steps everyday and would greet anyone who came in the door with a cold wet kiss from his nose. He was perfect. He was gentle around Sam and I when we were little and was always careful not to snap. While on a walk one day, the little redheaded boy down the street started to pet Merlin. He sat patiently, tail wagging and content, and then the little boy proceeded to poke his fingers in Merlin’s little brown eyes. Still remaining patient and calm, never snarling or showing any sign of discomfort, he allowed the little boy to keep his fingers in his eyes for as long as he pleased. Last fall, we had to put our beloved dog to sleep. I never imagined it would be so incredibly hard to say goodbye to a dog, but Merlin was part of my childhood and some of my best memories of growing up included him. While we have Mr. Big and Shawnee to entertain us these days, there is not a day that my family and I don’t love and miss our dear first dog.

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